With Sweet Trip, a cab is available for booking for a maximum of 90 days before the start date of the trip. Also, a cab booking can be done 2 hours before the start of the trip. For booking cabs, visit our website, www.sweettrip.in, or call us at +91-7488736844. To confirm the online cab bookings, a customer needs to provide an advance for the trip. The advance amount is based on the trip's estimated cost and will be adjusted against the final amount payable at the end of the trip. For every confirmed booking, a cab or taxi will be allotted 10 hours before the start of the trip. For an outstation one-way trip, the car will be allotted 2 hours before the start of the trip.
A booking is not subject to change or cancellation. Once a booking is made for a certain period, it will be considered final. We don't commit to any refund. You shall have to complete the trip.
Before the start of the trip, customers have to pay the advance or token amount. Once, Sweet Trip receives the token amount, it starts the cab management process and asks for the customer’s details for trip confirmation. Once customers have paid the advance amount, the remaining amount for the trip is either paid to the driver or can be made online payment directly to Sweet Trip’s account. All payments made as advance shall be adjusted against the final bill. Please call Sweet Trip on +91-7488736844 or email info@sweettrip.in for any clarifications on billing or other things before/during/end of the trip.
Suppose the trip is for 3 days, then customers need to pay 80% of the total amount including advance during the trip. The remaining 20% has to be paid at the end of the trip.
Your booking will be confirmed either via the given mobile number or email ID. For any query either before booking or during the trip, customers need to call on the above-given number.